11 Questions Your Creative Side Wants You To Ask
Add the answers to your "me manual" and know thyself.
Welcome (or welcome back!) to Multifaceted, a weekly newsletter about finding delight and direction in a creative life made up of many different interests.
This marks my fifth consecutive week sending out these little missives. (🥳) Thanks to everyone who has read and responded to my notes on everything from feeling creative when you’re short on time and finding clarity about your creative interests to embracing creativity as a way of living.
A lot of these pieces were based on lightbulb moments I’ve had throughout the years. I’m hoping someone out there will benefit from the answers I found to my creative conundrums.
But this week, I don’t have any answers for you.
Instead, I’ve got questions!
Below are 11 questions to help you get to know your multifaceted creative spirit a little better.
If you journal or keep up with Morning Pages (à la Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way), feel free to use these as freewriting prompts.
Or, grab a fancy notebook (I know you have at least one just waiting to be used!) and start scribbling.
One of my fancy notebooks is designated as a “me manual” — a home for all of my self-reflective notes and Q&A exercises from over the years. Although my circumstances and creative challenges evolve, I find that revisiting those notes helps me regain clarity and alignment.
Alright, on with the Qs:
What parts of your identity are important to your creative style?
How would you describe your signature style elements (like your go-to colors, textures, subject matter, and creative processes)?
What feelings or moods do those style elements evoke for you?
Why do you think it’s important for you to bring those feelings and moods out into your work?
What creative outlets do you enjoy exploring? Why?
What are some themes or threads running through your creative work across different media?
What inspires you and feeds your creative spirit?
How do you value your creativity beyond its monetary potential?
How do you embrace or resist labels on your creativity (like artist or writer)?
What are your biggest creative challenges right now?
What’s one small step you can take this week to make progress on your most important creative goal?
If these questions led you to any discoveries or lightbulb moments, drop me a comment so we can learn from each other!
Looks like being comfortable with your creative self and being suitably productive requires a great deal of thought.