Multifaceted Turns 1! 🥳 (Or 2?)
Lessons learned, a few good things, some challenges, and a look ahead.
Welcome (or welcome back!) to Multifaceted. I’m Jess Barker – here to help multi-passionate creatives overcome idea overload and carve out a path to the most fulfilling and authentic creative life possible. ✨
What were you up to a year ago this week?
Putting the finishing touches on a big creative project? Or maybe dreaming up a new one?
As for me, I was right in the middle of the beginning with this newsletter. One year ago this week, I officially launched Multifaceted.
I’d been quietly writing and publishing since the start of the previous year. My very first post actually went live this week two years ago, in January 2023. But I started doing one or two pieces per month that May.
Back then, I was still experimenting and keeping things largely under wraps. But by January 2024, I figured it was time to loop in my existing email list and let everyone know what I’d been working on. So, Multifaceted is technically two years old this week, but it really “premiered” one year ago.
If you’ve been reading along since the start, you’re the best! If you’re new here, I’m so glad we found each other. Either way, the fact that you’re here, reading my writing, means you believe in your own multifaceted creativity — and you believe in mine.
Thank you. 💙
⭐ Survey time ⭐
Reflecting on 12 (and 24!) months of Multifaceted
Because my creative energy flits from one interest to another, I don’t often get to celebrate passion project anniversaries.
So, I’ve been thinking back on my experience writing this newsletter over the past couple of years and wanted to share some bits and pieces that floated to the top. In no particular order: some good things, challenges, lessons, and a look ahead.
A Few Good Things
From creative growth and connection to finding my groove – here are just a handful of the positives I’ve experienced since starting Multifaceted:
I’m proud of how I’ve been able to find my voice and writing style in a subject area that I’m passionate about, but that I hadn’t really written about before. I’ve stretched my comfort zone as a writer in a lot of ways and I’m happy to keep that momentum going.
Using Substack as my publishing platform has allowed me to connect with some really wonderful fellow creatives – through Q&A collabs, comments, and even coaching! It’s also really rewarding anytime I hear from folks who’ve found something helpful or inspirational in my writing.
I joined a local writer’s group last year and have gained SO much from our monthly critiques and discussions. There’s nothing like being in a room full of smart, supportive, vulnerable, and generous creatives.
Although I’m still tinkering, I’m pretty happy with the aesthetic/visual brand I’ve created for my newsletter and coaching program.
Outside of my writing here, I’ve been exploring a lot of different creative projects and finding value in them — without feeling the urge to post about them for the sake of #content.
I’ve spent significantly less time scrolling on social media than in previous years. It feels like all my creative resources – time, energy, inspiration, self-confidence, etc. – have multiplied as a result.
It’s been exciting to lean into those odd little synchronicities that’ll pop up when I’m on the right track with an idea or project. I’m allowing those to inspire me and encourage me along my path.
Some Challenges
Because we all have them. Here are a few things I’m still grappling with:
I mentioned the importance of routine earlier… Well, I have a pretty hard time dealing with disruptions to my intended routine. Last year, I went through a stretch where every month had a new sickness or injury that threw me off for multiple weeks at a time. And even fun stuff, like travel and the holidays, can leave me feeling creatively off-kilter.
I occasionally still feel guilty about stepping away from “mom duty” for a few hours to get in some focus time. But I know it’s better for everyone when my creative energy is channeled in constructive ways.
Getting stuck in the comparison trap, feeling like I’m behind where I could or should be by now, stressing about what’ll happen 200 steps ahead… I’m not immune to all of those unnecessary pressures. They still drive me insane, but I try not to let them hold me back.
Lessons Learned
After many months spent keeping up a regular writing practice, below are a few of my most helpful takeaways. Maybe they'll click with you, too:
I realized just how essential routine and habit are for staying creatively motivated, especially when I'm not in the mood. But it’s been equally important to stay flexible, revisiting and evolving my routines as life changes. For the most part, I’ve kept up a good creative/family/work/life balance that suits each season.
Authentic art doesn’t come out on the first try — or in the first few months. I think the best way to discover what we’re really here to create is to consistently show up and do the work. First, we have to start – somewhere, anywhere. Then, we have to keep going. Eventually, things will start getting interesting.
Putting pressure on each new idea to be “The Thing” just makes the process feel worse. It’s better to treat each iteration as a little experiment. Try, play, and pivot.
All that stuff about focusing on the journey over the destination? It’s good advice, and I’m glad to say I finally get it.
I’m a very intuitive decision-maker, especially when it comes to planning out my creative life. Despite spending a lot of time in the “messy middle” with my creative work, I still wholeheartedly believe in following those gut instincts. My intuition has never led me astray – although it surprises me sometimes!
I’ve discovered some ways to leverage my different interests to bring balance when I need it. For instance, when my brain starts overheating, I can move to a more hands-on hobby. (Right now, that’s sewing.)
A Look Ahead
Here’s what’s on my to-do list and on my mind lately:
The biggest and most exciting thing I have in the works is that I’m writing a book! I’m excited to share more about that process here soon.
In the last couple of months, I’ve gained a clearer understanding of what problems I can help solve and who I can support the most. Although I want to keep Multifaceted as an open-ended sandbox space for my writing, I’m looking forward to channeling some of those discoveries into upcoming newsletters.
Ever since I wrote about what creative leaders do differently (in what turned out to be one of my most popular pieces yet!) I’ve been reflecting on what it looks like to put myself out there. Being a multifaceted person, I sometimes feel like I’m hiding parts of myself when I’m “just” writing. So, I’ve been toying with different ideas for how I can show up, share my ideas, and flex my creative muscles beyond the written word.
As always – stay tuned! 🙂
I am excited to try pottery this year. I have prioritized my son's quilt (that I started in 2023 and haven't touched in over a year). I also stitch up every worn out butt or knee patch for my son and my husband. Plus work a full-time job. Plus be a mother who makes lakes for Hogwarts, and lightsabers, and toads out of paper towel rolls... and balloons for Gwen Stacey's birthday party. And do my own writing/podcasting. It's endless when you're a creative, and a beautiful mess. I loved hearing what you're up to and lessons learned. What is one creative thing you are loving right now that hasn't made its way into your writing?
Congrats! Keep it going 👌🏼