I do love your take on the "messy middle." For some reason, it makes me think of the quote by boxing champ Mike Tyson who said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." That punch may be a graphic way of describing the messy middle.

As for leadership, I believe it goes beyond supporting others. Leadership must also include creating a vision that others commit to.

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Absolutely - what a perfect (and perfectly messy!) metaphor for how it can feel sometimes.

And that's a great point about leading with vision. I can see it as not just helping people in the sense of doing things for them, but working alongside them and using that vision to push them in a beneficial direction. I very much see the "vision" piece as it relates to my interest in creativity coaching. Thanks for sharing that important nuance!

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I enjoyed reading Rider’s book about Bullet Journaling… especially since all that I’d found about the method via Pinterest, etc. didn’t really show the why behind it all.

It’s interesting that Rider has ADHD and that’s part of why he started the BuJo method! I was only diagnosed with ADHD in 2021, so I’m still figuring out what that means for my own life! But it certainly made sense why I was drawn to the concept of bullet journalling! … but also why I’ve never been able to stick with it for long! lol. 😂 I keep trying!!

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Oh wow! I don't usually struggle with focus but I'm already seeing how getting everything down on the page in an organized way is helping free up my brain space. It really does feel like it's taking a load off so I can actually get down to *doing* the to-dos rather than ruminate on how many of them there are or how can I fit them all in! 😅

I've definitely departed from his suggested method already but it seems like (as with most bits of advice) it's been helpful to take on some new approaches and leave the ones that don't click with me as much. I figure as long as each of us can find a system that works, then we're in good shape. So I hope you can find some middle ground between BuJo and something that you actually want to stick with!!

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Exactly! My life (& work) philosophy is “find + do what works for you”, so I’ve always loved the concept of “take what you love, and leave the rest”!

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Yess! 🙌

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Really enjoyed your thought process about creativity and leadership. I, too, have come to see true leadership as supporting and helping others. (As an educator, this honestly comes as no surprise, but it took me a bit to get here!)

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Ooh that's so interesting to hear you didn't immediately put those pieces together, especially in your role as an educator. Was there a turning point that led to your discoveries there?

I've had some short but impactful experiences in education, running workshops, etc. and looking back, those were by far some of my favorite leadership moments!

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