“This isn't a do-over, I'm just doing something new. And that in itself is what I've always been doing. 🙃”

This spoke to me in more ways than one - the story of my life 🙏 and I accept that I am multi-passionate rather than be hard on myself for it. Really enjoyed reading this!

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Aw thank you so much for reading to the end and leaving such a nice comment! I'm so glad this resonated with you, Jen. You're definitely not alone in feeling the pressure. Here's to acceptance! ❤️

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Jess Barker

What a lovely welcome post! Lovely to get to know you a bit more. As a creative, you’ll likely know that sometimes you just have to follow where the art wants you to go. That’s how I feel with Substack. I just follow where I think it wants me to go. It’s been a wild and fun ride.

Lovely to connect!

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Thank you so much for the kind note and for following along here, Mika! 💗 And I'm absolutely with you - hope you're enjoying the journey ☺️

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